Every cloud

They say Every Cloud has a silver lining, and although lockdown comes from a terrible situation it has given me another chance to hone my photography.
The Beast from the East

Essex doesn’t usually get a lot of snow, but this week it’s been beautiful and I’ve been out with my Canon eos 4000d gathering shots that I’ve enjoyed taking and Editing.

Some like this one I see as a Jigsaw or a Greetings card say for Christmas.

I called this the Usual Suspects, a line of Seagulls watching and waiting

No guesses for what this is called

I like these Abstract shots where sometimes it takes a second to realise what you’re looking at.

Are we on the way to Narnia. The snow had only just begun on Sunday but it felt really Christmassy in February.
Also I love the #Silence, the snow deadens the sound waves so it’s virtually silent.
Back to the Silver lining
My portfolio is available to buy and I hope you take the opportunity to at least browse. Lockdown, as I say has been challenging however my photography and my dog, Stella

have helped me stay sane. Brief escapes from my flat, socially distanced but social. Dog walkers seem to have that accepted sociability that comes with having something in Common. Fridaywoods is beautiful and when all this terrible virus is over I’d recommend a visit

Well bye for now